Random Thoughts Blog


PPC Made Easy As 123

1. The WHAT of PPC Google, the most popular search engine in today’s time, has created a digital marketing tool called Google Ads. Google Ads provide the service of prioritizing your website into multiple areas of search results. Typically, if a user searches for anything on Google all of the results generated are called organic results. The organic results are…
Asenka Interactive
February 26, 2019

Removing Users from Adwords

When hiring an agency to manage your Google Ads account, it often makes sense to share access to them rather than hand out google account credentials. But what happens when you decide it is time to move on or are no longer working with them? Changing your password is a nice place to start, but many times clients forget that they…
Asenka Interactive
May 17, 2018

Scheduling Social Posts with WordPress Posts in Draft Mode

Using a social media management platform such as hootsuite or buffer is a great way to create and schedule your company's posts throughout your favorite social profiles.  Scheduling your posts allow you to organize and share your content at optimal times in order to keep a consistent social media presence.  By using a social media assistant you can save time…
Asenka Interactive
November 15, 2017

Guide for Managing & Getting Online Reviews

When was the last time you did a search for your company? If the first page of google's results are scattered with 1-3 star reviews of your company on various social sites, you may be losing potential customers. Often companies won't hesitate to spend money on their website's visibility, but fail to see the importance of managing their online reputation.…
Asenka Interactive
October 18, 2017

My Website Got Hacked!

There is nothing more frustrating than to have your website hacked, especially if it’s happened more than once. Unfortunately, it is becoming more and more prevalent these days. The first question our clients ask us is “why did my website get hacked?” Well, according to this report there are a few reasons: 1) access control 2) software vulnerabilities 3) 3rd party…
Asenka Interactive
August 3, 2017