A Good Fit
Through experience, we find we work best with:
- Companies with specific marketing goals and budget (size is not important)
- Companies that integrate visual media in their marketing strategy
- Companies that are excited about their product or service and are committed to reinforcing their brand or sales message with every client contact.
On the other side of the win-win, we are most rewarded when we find companies who:
- Bring us design challenges that encompass a variety of media
- Come from an industry that is new to us
- Share our interest in environmental issues, Christianity, adventure sports, entertainment, or automobiles.

Marketing Integrity
You’ve no doubt heard of the newlywed couple who, 6 weeks after the honeymoon, declares “This isn’t the person I married!”. Oh yes, that is who you married. It’s the person you were dating that was a fake! (Props to Paul Tripp for the analogy)
The same thing, unfortunately, happens every day in marketing. We think we need to pretend to be the company that our predefined market is demanding. All the while destroying trust and sabotaging any chance at customer loyalty as our market finds out we aren’t really who we said we were when we were so craftily luring them in.
Marketing your company with a genuine representation of why you do what you do, positions you for better customer experience and retention. At Asenka, we believe the most compelling reason to brand a company is to build a client base of dedicated advocates – a silent, unpaid sales force talking to others about your product or service. A team of people to help carry your banner into the marketplace.
Honesty (along with exceptional products and service) is the only way to build a sustainable brand for the long term. We can help you discover your “why” and craft all the related marketing messages that flow out of that. Give us a call and we’ll explain our process and how it could fit into your particular situation.