


Google Analytics is changing.

You may have heard the buzz - Google is rolling out a new analytics package (version 4) and the existing analytics is being retired. This means that some changes will need to be made if you wish to continue collecting data from your site in your Google Analytics account. Analytic data is very important to us so we’ve been rolling…

Tips on Marketing to the Isolated

As the world is scrambling to understand how to be safe and what life will look like in the short and long term, business are scrambling to stay afloat amidst daily changes to rules and customer behavior. So how does one effectively market in this new climate? The reality is, we don't really know. These times of crisis drive new…
Asenka Interactive
March 25, 2020

Don’t lose your shirt with Google Ads

Google Ads is a paid platform for serving up ads primarily on search result pages but also on other sites and videos. This can give you exposure to the plethora of users that search Google every day. Google makes it very simple to create ads by using keywords to define who you want to show your ads to. The hope…
Asenka Interactive
August 13, 2019